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How to read logon events and lookup user information, using Powershell?

How does one read logon and logoff events from the Windows event log, and retrieve the corresponding information for each user from Active Directory, using Powershell?


  • The following script will read Winlogon events from the System log, retrieve information from AD based on each user's SID, and display the results in a generated HTML page. The results of each AD lookup are cached to prevent unnecessary round-trips to the AD server.

    # event id 7001 is Logon, event id 7002 is Logoff
    function WinlogonEventIdToString($EventID) {switch($EventID){7001{"Logon";break}7002{"Logoff";break}}}
    # look up SID in Active Directory and cache the results in a hashtable
    $AdUsers = @{}
    function SidToAdUser($sid) {
      $AdUser = $AdUsers[$sid]
      if ($AdUser -eq $null) {
        $AdUser = $AdUsers[$sid] = [adsi]("LDAP://<SID=" + $sid + ">")
      return $AdUser
    $outputFilename = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() + "DisplayLatestLogonEvents.html"
    # the first Select extracts the SID from the event log entry and converts the event id to a descriptive string
    # the second Select is responsible for looking up the User object in Active Directory, using the SID
    # the final Select picks the various attribute data from the User object, ready for display in the table
    # to retrieve only recent log entries, one can use something like this in Get-EventLog: -After (Get-Date).AddDays(-14)
    Get-Eventlog -Logname "System" -Source "Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon" -InstanceId 7001,7002 `
      | Select TimeGenerated, @{n='Operation';e={WinlogonEventIdToString $_.EventID}}, @{n='SID';e={$_.ReplacementStrings[1]}} `
      | Select TimeGenerated, Operation, @{n='AdUser';e={(SidToAdUser $_.SID)}} `
      | Select TimeGenerated, Operation, `
               @{n='Username';e={$_.AdUser.sAMAccountName}}, `
               @{n='Full name';e={$_.AdUser.firstname + " " + $_.AdUser.lastname}}, `
               @{n='Title';e={$_.AdUser.title}}, `
               @{n='Department';e={$_.AdUser.department}}, `
               @{n='Company';e={$}} `
      | ConvertTo-HTML -Head "<style>td, th { border:1px solid grey }</style>" | Out-File $outputFilename
    # this will open the default web browser
    Invoke-Expression $outputFilename