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Hibernate : failed to lazily initialize a collection

I have two entities : User and Module wich are linked using the many-to-many .

in my User entity I have a Module list member :

enter image description here

I insert a new user successfully, but when I want to retrieve the Users I get the Users informations but I don't get the Modules of a user . and I get this error message :

.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: ma.propar.FireApp.Entites.Utilisateur.modules, could not initialize proxy - no Session


  • The user.modules @ManyToMany list is LAZY by default, so when you fetch users you only get a user.modules proxy.

    If the Hibernate Session is closed, you won't be able to access the uninitialized proxies without getting a LazyInitializationException.

    To fetch modules in the same HQL query you need to use "fetch":

    select u from Utilisateur u left join fetch u.modules

    Although you can set the association to FetchType.EAGER so that you always retrieve modules along Users


    you shouldn't use EAGER because it's bad for performance.