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WPF ComboBox - is it possible to insert your own text?

I have a ComboBox that contains values and you can search for a value by using the IsTextSearchEnabled property on the ComboBox. This works as expected.

However, in case the value isn't inside the combobox, I want the user to insert their own value, but instead of creating a textbox, I wonder if the user can just insert the value into the combobox?

At the moment when I do input a value, the combobox goes red to indicate that the value they typed cannot be found (I assume)

using this XAML

ItemsSource="{Binding TheValues, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
Text="{Binding TheValue}"

The Itemsource is a list that are guids.. here is the property of the itemsource

public List<Guid> TheValues
      return m_TheValues;
     m_TheValues= value;

Any help (even to say it cannot be done) would be good.



  • GUID constructors can accept a string as a parameter try something like this

    public void AddValue(string newGuid)
                Guid g  =  new Guid(newGuid);