Output of the below code is :
This is Raja from ${Address.Street} i did my ${Education.degree} from ${Education.university}
but what I need is
This is Raja from Namakkal i did my B.E from Anna University
is it possible to achieve by using Freemarker
or by using spring
public class Test
public static void main(String arg[]) throws TemplateModelException
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Map<String, Object> address = new HashMap<String, Object>();
address.put("Street", "Namakkal");
Qualification qualification = new Test.Qualification();
map.put("Name", "Raja");
map.put("Address", address);
map.put("Education", qualification);
StrSubstitutor strsub = new StrSubstitutor(map);
String str = "This is ${Name} from ${Address.Street} i did my ${Education.degree} from ${Education.university}";
public static class Qualification
public String getDegree()
return "B.E";
public String getUniversity()
return "Anna University";
please explain the simplest and effective way to achieve this.
You could do it with freemarker, using the StringTemplateLoader class. This class allows you to create templates from Strings, instead of reading them from files.