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How to place a <div> tag after <td> in cgridview yii?

I want to fix the width of the columns generated using CGRIDVIEW. One way to do this is by adding a <div> tag after every <td> such that I can assign styling to that div. The Structure I am looking for is as such ==>

<td><div style='width:50px;'>$data['name']</div></td>

When I write this into the firebug .. I get the output as required... but now I need to code it....

View which holds GridView is ==>

$this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbGridView', array(
            'type' => 'bordered striped',
            'id' => 'bike_search',   
            'dataProvider' => $model->search_bikes(),
            'ajaxUpdate' => true, //false if you want to reload aentire page (useful if sorting has an effect to other widgets)
            'filter' => null, 
            'template'=>'<div style="overflow:auto;">{items}</div>{pager}{summary}',
            'columns' => $selected_columns,
            'enablePagination' => true

The Model is ==>

$selected_columns[] = array(
                'header' => 'Name',
                'name' => 'name',


How do I solve it ?


  • if you have array data provider you can use $data["name"] otherwise you have to use $data->name !

            'header' => 'Name',
            'name' => 'name',
            'value'=> '"<div style=\"width:50px;\">" . $data["name"] . "</div>"', 
            'value'=> function($data){
                return '<div style="width:50px;">' . $data['name'] . '</div>';