my project this year : build safe search engine for kids
so i need some info about :
1- where to find some studies , papers about this topic ?
2- how to make use of open source tools ?
3- what the technologies that i need to learn for my project ?
and some advices please
thanks .
update : safe mean that when kids search for any thing they dont see results about (pornography)
Your solution will be a generalization of spam filters for email.
You can either write a rule-based solution or one that learns as it goes (e.g. Bayesian filters).
Defining what's "safe" and what's not will be the real trick. It's subtle. Obviously no child should be exposed to pornography. How will your filter know it? From the URL? The content? Headers? What about violent images? Do you consider reading about evolution or creationism "unsafe"? How will your filter figure those out?
I don't know if it can be done. Or if it's worth it. We're all unsafe while we're here. Best to learn how to navigate the shoals.
Good luck.