I have a component in /components/some-dir/some-component.js and am trying to use it in a .hbs template file.
{{#some-dir/some-component set=this}}{{/some-dir/some-component}}
but handlebars throws an error. The ember app kit documentation says that '/' gets converted over to '.' and to use an alias:
// controller/posts.js
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
needs: ['posts/details'],
postsDetails: Ember.computed.alias('controllers.posts/details')
// templates/posts.hbs
// because {{controllers.posts/details.count}} does not work
but was having trouble getting it to work similarly with a component, so didn't know if it applied or not?
As "answered" by stefanpenner in EAK Issue542
"for now, just don't use sub-dirs rather just many more dashes (hopefully we can resolve this within htmlbars/handlebars)" ~stefanpenner