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PHP Xpath : get all href values that contain needle

Working with PHP Xpath trying to quickly pull certain links within a html page.

The following will find all href links on mypage.html: $nodes = $x->query("//a[@href]");

Whereas the following will find all href links where the description matches my needle: $nodes = $x->query("//a[contains(@href,'click me')]");

What I am trying to achieve is matching on the href itself, more specific finding url's that contain certain parameters. Is that possible within a Xpath query or should I just start manipulating the output from the first Xpath query?


  • Not sure I understand the question correctly, but the second XPath expression already does what you are describing. It does not match against the text node of the A element, but the href attribute:

    $html = <<< HTML
            <a href="">Description</a>
            <a href="">Description</a>
    $xml  = simplexml_load_string($html);
    $list = $xml->xpath("//a[contains(@href,'foo')]");


    array(1) {
      object(SimpleXMLElement)#2 (2) {
        array(1) {
          string(31) ""
        string(11) "Description"

    As you can see, the returned NodeList contains only the A element with href containing foo (which I understand is what you are looking for). It contans the entire element, because the XPath translates to Fetch all A elements with href attribute containing foo. You would then access the attribute with

    echo $list[0]['href'] // gives ""

    If you only want to return the attribute itself, you'd have to do


    Note that in SimpleXml, this would return a SimpleXml element though:

    array(1) {
      object(SimpleXMLElement)#3 (1) {
        array(1) {
          string(31) ""

    but you can output the URL now by

    echo $list[0] // gives ""