How can I set the exclusive/non-exclusive property of a tibco queue programmatically? I want to be able to set the queue as non-exclusive when I crate it in my application.
For example, if I use the following code to craete the queue:
QueueConnectionFactory factory = new TIBCO.EMS.QueueConnectionFactory(serverUrl);
QueueConnection connection = factory.CreateQueueConnection(userName, password);
QueueSession session = connection.CreateQueueSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
TIBCO.EMS.Queue queue = session.CreateQueue(queueName);
How can I set the queue's properties?
You will need the TibjmsAdmin API to do that. The JavaDoc of the API can be found here
Then try this:
TibjmsAdmin jmsAdmin = new TibjmsAdmin("tcp://localhost:7222", "admin", "admin");
QueueInfo qi = jmsAdmin.getQueue("my.queue");