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Laravel session data not sticking across page loads

I tried running the following code:

Session::put('progress', '5%');


This will show '5%' in the dump.

If I rerun the same page but comment out Session::put('progress', '5%'); so that only the dd() line is called, I get a null value instead of the 5% values stored in the previous page load.

Here is my sessions config, so I know it should be storing the data:

'driver' => 'native',
'lifetime' => 120,
'expire_on_close' => false,

Why is Laravel not storing the session data across page loads?


  • The problem is because you are killing the script before Laravel finishes its application lifecycle, so the values put in session (but not yet stored) got killed too.

    When a Laravel application lifecycle starts, any value put in Session are not yet stored until the application lifecycle ends. That is when any value put in Session will be finally/really stored.

    If you check the source you will find the same aforementioned behavior:

     public function put($key, $value)
         $all = $this->all();
         array_set($all, $key, $value);

    If you want to test it, do the following:

    1. Store a value in session without killing the script.

      Route::get('test', function() {
          Session::put('progress', '5%');
          // dd(Session::get('progress'));
    2. Retrieve the value already stored:

      Route::get('test', function() {
          // Session::put('progress', '5%');