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Invoking method on a Java class from lotus script (LS2J)

Most dignified developers,

I'm having trouble invoking a method on my own java class from a lotus script agent.

My Java class simplified looks like this

import lotus.domino.*;

public class MyClass{
   /* .. omitted constructor and other methods .. */

   public void myMethod(Document doc){
      /* ... do things with the document object ...*/


Now this class is included with the proper use statement, and I can iterate over the classmethods on the class object in lotus script to get the signature of the arguments needed.

But when I try to invoke the method I get a LS2J: Parameter mismatch calling Method myMethod

I've tried both with dot notation on the JavaObject (No I'm not using a Mac ;)) and ADT

Dim doc as NotesDocument
Dim jSession As JavaSession
Dim jClass As JavaClass
Dim jObject As JavaObject


Set jSession = New JavaSession()
Set jClass = jSession.Getclass("MyClass")

Set jObject = jClass.Createobject()
Call jObject.myMethod(doc)

and respectively

Dim jMethod as JavaMethod

Set jMethod = jClass.Getmethod("myMethod", "(Llotus/domino/Document;)V")
tmp = jMethod.Invoke(jObject,doc)

Also I've added error handling (OnError ..) to print out the results of any JavaError (+ stacktrace) but they end up empty so no further clues there.

I'm using Designer version 9.0

Any ideas/pointers/gotchas? It's driving me bald.


  • You are using the correct approach to calling your Java method but you can not pass Notes backend objects as parameters.

    You can parse a string with the document universal id, for instance, and then in your Java method look up the document using the universal id.

    Alternatively, migrate your Lotusscript logic to Java :-)