A question about scope was raised today and it got me thinking.
I've always understood VBScript scope and how to declare Globally and Locally. It occurred to me though that I never use Public
variables but tend to use Dim
instead when declaring Globally.
As far as I understood it Dim
is the same as Public
, but if that's the case why have both of them? Is there a difference between the two and is it good practice to use one over the other?
This question is aimed purely at VBScript, not VBA and especially in the context of Classic ASP.
Access restrictions make sense in modular or object-orientated languages. As Basic started as a simple procedural language, the later addition of such features make strict rules for using Dim, Public, and Private difficult.
Everything below is about VBScript (not VBA, not ASP, not VB.NET)
Ruleset I:
Sample code:
Option Explicit
Dim gsDim : gsDim = "gsDim"
Public gsPub : gsPub = "gsPub"
Private gsPriv : gsPriv = "gsPriv"
Class cX
Dim m_sDim
Public m_sPub
Private m_sPriv
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
m_sDim = "m_sDim"
m_sPub = "m_sPub"
m_sPriv = "m_sPriv"
End Sub
Function ToString()
' Public Whatever => syntax error
' Private Whatever => syntax error
Dim Whatever ' => no problem to use Dim for local declaration
ToString = ToStringPriv()
End Function
Private Function ToStringPriv()
ToStringPriv = Join(Array(m_sDim, m_sPub, m_sPriv))
End Function
End Class
Function main()
' Public Whatever => syntax error
' Private Whatever => syntax error
Dim Whatever ' => no problem to use Dim for local declaration
main = 0
WScript.Echo "in func main():", Join(Array(gsDim, gsPub, gsPriv))
Execute "WScript.Echo ""via Execute:"", Join(Array(gsDim, gsPub, gsPriv))"
Dim oX : Set oX = New cX
WScript.Echo "oX.ToString():", oX.ToString()
Dim s
On Error Resume Next
s = oX.ToStringPriv()
WScript.Echo Err.Description
s = oX.m_sPriv
WScript.Echo Err.Description
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
WScript.Echo "top level code:", Join(Array(gsDim, gsPub, gsPriv))
WScript.Quit main()
cscript dimpubpriv.vbs
top level code: gsDim gsPub gsPriv
in func main(): gsDim gsPub gsPriv
via Execute: gsDim gsPub gsPriv
oX.ToString(): m_sDim m_sPub m_sPriv
Object doesn't support this property or method
Object doesn't support this property or method
Update wrt Kul-Tigin's comment:
Ruleset II (when writing code for a host that supports modules):
Option Explicit
Public gsPub : gsPub = "gsPub"
Private gsPriv : gsPriv = "gsPriv"
Class AContext
Public CodeObject
End Class
With (New AContext)
Set .CodeObject = Me
WScript.Echo .CodeObject.gsPub
WScript.Echo .CodeObject.gsPriv
End With
cscript dimpubpriv.vbs
... Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this property or method: 'CodeObject.gsPriv''