I am using NSNotification and when notification arrive in other class then i want to change somethings in GUI. This is how i post my notification, and i m not sure if it is good way to post it or not?
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
object:nil userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: result, @"arrayDetails", nil]];
so in other class i catch it like that.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
object:nil ];
- (void) receivePostDetailsNotification:(NSNotification *) notification
NSDictionary * info = [notification userInfo];
inputDetails = [info objectForKey:@"arrayDetails"];
NSLog(@"notification arriveddd=%@",[[inputDetails PostDetail] Text]);
[self customTxtMessageViewHeight];
In customTXtMessageViewHelight method i only check content size of txtMessage(it is a textview) and i resize it.
CGFloat fl;
//MeasureHeightOfUITextView is a method to count textview height and it works without problem
fl=[nesneResizeTextViewHeight measureHeightOfUITextView:txtMessage ];
txtMessage.frame=CGRectMake(txtMessage.frame.origin.x, txtMessage.frame.origin.y, txtMessage.frame.size.width, fl);
imgMessageBackground.frame=CGRectMake(imgMessageBackground.frame.origin.x, imgMessageBackground.frame.origin.y, imgMessageBackground.frame.size.width, fl);
Logs are correct but txtMessage's height does not change. There is no problem about iboutlets because txtMessage's height is changing if i try it in viewDidLoad method.
so then after some reading articles i get it NSNotification works in background thread and i tried to call customTxtMessageViewHeight method like that;
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(customTxtMessageViewHeight) withObject:self waitUntilDone:NO];
But nothing changed. After i tried to change how i post NSNotification
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
object:nil userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: result, @"masivDetails", nil]];
I thought it will make it work on mainThread but it didnt work also. I really confused and will be glad to any help. Thanks.
Notifications are sent / received on the same thread they are posted on.
If the logs are all fine then it looks like your frame is being re-set by something else. The usual candidate for this is Autolayout - if you're using Autolayout then you don't resize things by setting frames, you resize them by updating constraints. Otherwise, setting the frame triggers a layout pass which resets the frame back to where it was.