The contents in the cell array are as in the image showed above. I have two issues:
I have to move cells in columns to the preceding ones wherever there are 0s
. For example in row 1
, the 1x7
cell has to come to the cell after 1x19
cell and so on.
While doing this, the cells with []
should also be moved replacing the preceding 0s
I tried using strncmp
, ismember
and other functions, but the 0
is throwing errors.
UPDATE with working code
The code is this:
It doesnt do all the work though. The cells being copied have to be deleted from the end.
for m=1:200
for i=1:46
for j=1:199
for k=j:199
catch exception
EDIT - Question's part 2 : Not solved yet
Each of the cells contains strings. Is there any way I can write them to a text file? All the strings in a cell have to be in the same line followed by a new line for the strings in the next cell.
Again, I tried this using a lot of functions, but I am unable to do it properly. I just get the first string in every cell to the text file.
Here's an alternative approach: Instead of iterating over the array, create a new one and fill in only the non-zero values (note: if you want to avoid making a new array, you can, in the loop, create a temporary copy of the row, empty the row in the array, and overwrite). With some clever array shuffling, you could do step 3 without the loop entirely, btw.
%# step 1: find non-zeros
nonZeros = cellfun(@(x) ~iscell(x) && ~isempty(x), tags);
%# step 2: create new array with all empty
[nRows,nCols] = size(tags);
newTags = cell(nRows,nCols);
%# step 3: for every row: copy the non-zero entries
[goodRows,goodCols] = find(nonZeros);
for iRow = 1:nCols;
myGoodCols = goodCols(goodRows==iRow);
nGoodCols = length(myGoodCols);
if nGoodCols > 0 && nGoodCols < nCols
%# shift everything
newTags(iRow, 1:nGoodCols) = tags(iRow,myGoodCols);
%# step 4 : write out tags
fid = fopen('tags.txt','w+');
for iRow = 1:nRows
for iCol = 1:nCols
if ~isempty(tags{iRow,iCol})
fprintf(fid,'row %i col%i : ',iRow,iCol);
fprintf(fid,'%s ',tags{iRow,iCol}{:});