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levinshtein distance in mysqli prepared statement

I have the following mysqli prepare statement:

$incity = "%{$mysqli->real_escape_string($city)}%";
$instreet = $mysqli->real_escape_string($street);
$incp = "%{$mysqli->real_escape_string($cp)}%";

$mysqli->prepare("SELECT zonasrepartoid, calle, municipio, codigopostal FROM zonasreparto WHERE municipio like ? AND levenshtein(?, calle) BETWEEN 0 AND 6 AND codigopostal like ?")


My problem is that the levenshtein function doesnt return any result, and i have tried and look for anything, but i dont know what else to do.

thank you in advance!


  • I think that my problem is that i cant execute functions because i get the next message:

    Fallo en la obtencion de resultados: () execute command denied to user 'sec_user'@'localhost' for routine 'database.levenshtein'

    I hope to help to someone with the same error