I've written a multi-threaded WTL util to stress test an in-house service.
Comms threads signal to the main thread that they've quit, so the main thread can delete their corresponding object.
They make the signal as so:
PostThreadMessage(m_dwParentThreadId, WM_THREADQUIT, 1, m_dwNetThreadId);
My problem is how to deal with the custom message I've defined .
WM_THREADQUIT is #define'd as WM_USER + 10
I wanted to use an entry in the message map to call a handler, e.g.:
However, OnThreadQuit is never called.
The only way I can handle it is by calling the handler explicitly in PreTranslateMessage:
virtual BOOL CMainDlg::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
if( pMsg->message == WM_THREADQUIT )
BOOL blHandled;
OnThreadQuit(pMsg->message, pMsg->wParam, pMsg->lParam, blHandled);
return TRUE;
return CWindow::IsDialogMessage(pMsg);
I'm sure this isn't the correct way to do it ...
I'd love to know the correct way- can someone help!?
As stated in the doc Messages sent by PostThreadMessage are not associated with a window. As a general rule, messages that are not associated with a window cannot be dispatched by the DispatchMessage function.
Set your HWND in pMsg->hwnd and ::DispatchMessage() will deliver it to your WndProc:
virtual BOOL CMainDlg::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
if (pMsg->message == WM_THREADQUIT)
pMsg->hwnd = m_hWnd;
return FALSE; // continue processing
return CWindow::IsDialogMessage(pMsg);