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Customized vertical navigation drawer

I'm trying to find an example of a navigation drawer that opens upwards for ~1/4 of the screen. I'd like to implement this, but it seems like that would be going against it's intended use since the only two gravity options are "start" and "left."

Ultimately, I'd like to implement this vertical opening functionality in a music playlist sort of app, because I think that the "rewind, fast-forward, and pause" buttons take away from the minimal and unintrusive design of the app. Likewise, it just wouldn't make sense to have the side navigation drawer with a listview of the fast forward pause and rewind buttons.

I don't want to use a panel, because that opens up and eclipses the song entirely, whereas the buttons should only take up a 1/4 of the screen in order to retain a nonintrusive look.

If I were to make this function, are there any mods of navigation drawer or similar?


  • If I understand correctly, you could use a custom view like the AndroidSlidingUpPanel provided by Umano:

    By calling both setPanelHeight() and setSlidingEnabled() you get a "permanent ~1/4 drawer" with your music controls.