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Referring to other figures from within a chunk

Inside the plot generated in a chunk in a knitr/LaTeX document I want to position a text string with a reference to a particular figure elsehwere in the document, something like "See Fig. 10", based on the label of a that particular figure, lets say "fig:sim1". So I wrote the following R function which reads the .aux file of the LaTeX-document I'm writing and extracts the counter of the figure matching a specific label

ref <- function(label) {
  lines <- scan("mismatch-final.aux","character",sep="\n")
  line <- grep(paste("\\{",label,"\\}",sep=""),lines,value=TRUE)

I can then generate the desired text string from within the chunk and place it inside the plot with something like

text(5,10,paste("See Fig.~",ref("fig:sim1")))

This should work but perhaps there is a cleaner way of doing this? Also, is there a way to get at the .aux filename from within the chunk such that the ref function above would be made more general?


  • Another way to do that is to use the tikzDevice package and TikZ plots, so you can write raw LaTeX expressions in your plot, e.g

    \caption{Simulation of something. \label{fig:sim1}}
    <<test, dev='tikz', external=FALSE>>=
    plot(rnorm(10), rnorm(10))
    text(0, 0, 'See Fig \\ref{fig:sim1}')

    Depending on the complexity of your plot, this chunk may take a few seconds to compile each time. The plot is saved as a LaTeX file, and any LaTeX commands will work in it.