I'm trying to setup a synchronized promotion countdown timer which will keep counting down using JavaScript.
But the start time should always be retrieved using PHP everytime you refresh page.
Everytime I refresh the page wait the time is always the same, even though maybe 30 seconds already passed.
Pretty much the $left
isn't working properly
$promotionEnds = 'May 31, 2014, 11:59 pm'; //Enter date for promotion
$left = date("Y-m-d h:i:s", strtotime($promotionEnds, strtotime("now")));
echo "Time = ". strtotime($promotionEnds)."\r\n";
echo "Now Time = ". strtotime("now")."\r\n";
echo "Countdown = ".$left."\r\n";
Also can I make it go into at Y = 0 m = 0 d = 0 h = 0 i = 0 s = 0
Or do I have to work with the unix timestamp seconds
Here is some outputs
Time = 1401566340
Now Time = 1401234087
Countdown = 2014-05-31 11:59:00
Time = 1401566340
Now Time = 1401234098
Countdown = 2014-05-31 11:59:00
Time = 1401566340
Now Time = 1401234111
Countdown = 2014-05-31 11:59:00
Here is something new I tried.
$endPromotionSeconds = strtotime($promotionEnds);
$days = floor((time() - $endPromotionSeconds) / 86400);
$hours = floor((time() - $endPromotionSeconds) / 3600);
$minutes = ((time() - $endPromotionSeconds) / 60) % 60;
$seconds = (time() - $endPromotionSeconds) % 60;
echo "Countdown = d " . $days . " h " . $hours . " m " . $minutes . " s " . $seconds . "\r\n";
Countdown = d -3.835625 h -3.835625 m -3.835625 s -3.835625
Countdown = d -3.8354166666667 h -3.8354166666667 m -3.8354166666667 s -3.8354166666667
In the end the HTML should generate
<div class="timer_wrp">Remaining
<ul class="timer countdown">
<li><i><?php echo $daysLeft; ?></i>Day</li>
<li><i><?php echo $hoursLeft; ?></i>Hour</li>
<li><i><?php echo $minutesLeft; ?></i>Min</li>
<li><i><?php echo $secondsLeft; ?></i>Sec</li>
It doesn't look like you actually find the difference between now and the end of the promotion to get the time remaining.
$now = new DateTime();
$ends = new DateTime('May 31, 2014, 11:59 pm');
$left = $now->diff($ends);
<div class="timer_wrp">Remaining
<ul class="timer countdown">
<li><i><?php echo $left->format('%a'); ?></i>Day</li>
<li><i><?php echo $left->format('%h'); ?></i>Hour</li>
<li><i><?php echo $left->format('%i'); ?></i>Min</li>
<li><i><?php echo $left->format('%s'); ?></i>Sec</li>