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How can I import/use a class diagramm from Enterprise Architect in my Xtext DSL?

We model our Domain Model as UML class diagram in Enterprise Architect. And we want to design our DSL using Xtext. The DSL should access the domain classes.

I am able to export the Domain Model from Enterprise Architect as XMI file. I am able to reference other DSLs in my actual DSL (like described in

Is there a way to use my class model in my DSL (without writing a UML DSL)? Maybe via Ecore/Ecorediag/Genmodel?


  • if you have an eclipse uml 2 based xmi file the following might work.

    unfortunately Enterprise Architect does not produce such a xmi but there are (commercial) tool s that do that. searching for "enterprise architect eclipse uml" will give you such tools.