Search code examples

Set ng-selected in angular-ui select

My HTML code:

<div class="form-group col-md-4">
      <label for="lenderBusinessState">Select State</label>
      <div class="input-group select2-bootstrap-append">

        <ui-select name="lenderBusinessState" ng-model="lenderInfo.modelState.selected" theme="select2" class="form-control">
          <match placeholder="Select Lender State">{{$select.selected.stateName}}</match>
          <choices repeat="state in states | filter: $">
            <span ng-bind-html="state.stateName | highlight: $" ng-selected="selectState(state.stateId)"></span>

        <span class="input-group-btn">
          <button type="button" ng-click="lenderInfo.modelState.selected = undefined" class="btn btn-danger">
            <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span>

My JS code:

$scope.selectState = function(stateIdPassed)
    if(stateIdPassed == $scope.stateId){
        return 'selected';

I want to prefill my ui-select input. I am using ui-select. If i don't use ui-select input and just use tags, then its working. But, not with tags.

What are the possible solutions? Please help me out as i have used in my application.


  • just set lenderInfo.modelState.selected with the value you want preselected.

    here is some code for you to try just throw these lines where you setup the controller

    $scope.lenderInfo.modelState = {};
    $scope.lenderInfo.modelState.selected =  {"stateId":1,"stateName":"Florida"};