I've got MenuItem's nested under Menu using a belongs_to
This works great if i do not declare the index block (active admin works it out automagically) but if i declare my own block it shows all the MenuItems for all the menus.
How can I tell my block to respect the nested resource?
UPDATE - I think this is to do with https://github.com/nebirhos/activeadmin-sortable-tree rather than activeadmin core.
So i guess the question becomes: Is it possible to use sortable tree with nested resources?
ActiveAdmin.register MenuItem do
config.filters = false
config.paginate = false
belongs_to :menu
sortable tree: true
permit_params :title, :url, :menu_id
index as: :sortable do
label "Title" do |menu_item|
link_to menu_item.title, edit_admin_menu_menu_item_path( menu_item.menu, menu_item )
actions defaults: false do |menu_item|
link_to "Delete", admin_menu_menu_item_path( menu_item.menu, menu_item ), method: "delete", confirm: "Are you sure?"
form do |f|
f.inputs "Details" do
f.input :title
f.input :url
f.input :menu_id, :as => :hidden
The issue is due to ActiveAdmin Sortable Tree's method of finding roots in the hierarchy. By default the sortable tree finds all roots for the model specified, regardless of nesting. This behavior may be customized by providing a proc
to the :roots_collection
ActiveAdmin.register MenuItem do
belongs_to :menu
sortable tree: true,
# Only display the parent menu's roots
roots_collection: proc { parent.menu_items.roots }
Answer copied from my post on ActiveAdmin Sortable Tree #30.