I have a php page that acts as a proxy for a mjpeg stream for some IP cameras
header('Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=myboundary');
and a html/javascript page where I display the mjpeg in an img tag, along with camera functions (move left, right, up, down).
Everything works great with less than 6 cameras on the same page; once I add the 6th camera everything else stops working: I can see the 6 camera streams, but I can no longer do anything else on the page - pressing the logout button or pressing the camera move buttons doesn't do anything, Dev Tools shows the actions as pending.
I've read that there is a limit of maximum persistent http connections to a domain (https://stackoverflow.com/a/985704/3668883), and in Chrome (which I am using), the limit is 6.
I cannot remove the php proxy from the equation - this page has to be accessible from the exterior as well, so I cannot put the local ip in the img tag.
Does anyone know a way to do this?
Create subdomains for the camera proxies. These subdomains can all point to the same server.
Basically, this would be the setup:
camproxy.example.com. A
cam1.example.com. CNAME camproxy.example.com.
cam2.example.com. CNAME camproxy.example.com.
cam3.example.com. CNAME camproxy.example.com.
cam4.example.com. CNAME camproxy.example.com.
Then, in your control page, either use every subdomain only once or keep a track of how many times you've used one. For example:
function getCamUrl($file) {
static $subdomain = 1;
static $uses = 0;
if($uses > 6) {
$uses = 0;
return "cam" . $subdomain . ".example.com/" . $file;
echo '<img src="'. getCamUrl('video1.mjpeg') .'">';
echo '<img src="'. getCamUrl('video2.mjpeg') .'">';
echo '<img src="'. getCamUrl('video3.mjpeg') .'">';
echo '<img src="'. getCamUrl('video4.mjpeg') .'">';
According to the spec, browsers should only use 2 connections. You can get away with setting it to 6, this works in most modern browsers.