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How to draw RTL text (Arabic) onto a Bitmap and have it ordered properly?

I'm trying to draw Arabic text onto a Bitmap for display:

Bitmap img = Bitmap.createBitmap( (int) f+100, 300, Config.RGB_565);
Canvas c = new Canvas();
c.setBitmap(  img );
mFace = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(),"DejaVuSansCondensed.ttf");
content = "يجري";
content = ArabicUtilities.reshape( content );
System.out.println("Drawing text: " + content);
c.drawText(content, 30, 30, mPaint);

The ArabicUtilities class is a tool to reshape the unicode text so the letters are connected. see:

However, the bitmap that is generated looks like this:

alt text

When it should look like يجري

I believe the issue is because, unlike a TextView, the Bitmap class is not BiDi aware, so it draws the letters from left to write.

Try as I might, I can't figure out how to draw the text in the correct order.


  • Canvas is practically a wrapper around the Canvas of Skia (native graphics engine). Skia doesn't perform any BiDi/reshaping, it simply draws sequences of glyphs.

    TextView, on the other way, uses a load of Android's text-related objects, among them Layout and derived classes which do simple (actually dumb) BiDi. Android's BiDi is very dumb that it can't even handle digits in RTL: 'طولي 180' is displayed 'طولي 081'.

    Personally I don't trust Android's current BiDi, and would write my own Unicode-BiDi compliant class and use it if I need. I suggest you use manual BiDi in addition to the manual reshaping bro. Remember: First BiDi, then reshape!
