In my addon I'm allowing people to browse to an image on their disk. When they do this the file path returned (using the inline options file control) is in form of C:\blah\blah\blah.png
. I then take this file path and set a stylesheet using this path:
list-style-image: url("' + newValRep + '")
However how can I convert this in a proper way to to file:////C:/blah/blah/blah.png
because if i use the first way it doesnt work in my css style sheet.
Currently I'm doing this regex:
var newValRep = 'file:///' + newuri.replace(/\\/g, '/');
but this is definitely not the proper way as it is windows specific.
I have tried:
new FileUtils.File(newuri).path
but this does not give file:///
but same, null, null).spec
but same issueYou were so close :-)
var uri =