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How to mock super reference (on super class)?

Sometimes when I write unit tests I should to mock reference to superclass.

I have read this question: question

This answer answer with DI advice to refactor code. But I cannot it

this answer another answer is not suitable if superclass method is enough big. In my case I have very big code. Yes I know that it is brokes SOLID OOD principes but I just should to write test. I have not enough time for refactor.

said question was asked 4 years ago!

Does currently Mockito or Powermock can resolve this issue ?


code example:

class BaseService {  
    public void save() {
      // a lot of code here! I cannot change this code.

public Childservice extends BaseService {  
    public void save(){  
        //logic for testing;
       //logic for testing

update 2

public class Parent {
    public int save() {
         return 99;

public class Child extends Parent {
    public int save() {
        int i =;
        return i*2;

and test:

public class ParentTest {
    public void testSave() {       
        System.out.println(new Child().save());

output: 198


  • With Powermock you can replace or suppress methods, so it is possible to change the action done by You can also make methods to do nothing with suppressing. You can even suppress static initializer blocks.

    Please read this blog entry of the Powermock authors. See chapter "Replacing".


    Suppress seems to work for me, but replace not. See the picture below: enter image description here