For program that needs to be deterministic and provide the same result on different platforms (compilers), the built-in trigonometric functions can't be used, since the algorithm to compute it is different on different systems. It was tested, that the result values are different.
(Edit: the results need to be exactly the same to the last bit as it is used in game simulation that is ran on all the clients. These clients need to have the state of the simulation exactly the same to make it work. Any small error could result in bigger and bigger error over time and also the crc of the game state is used as check of synchronisation).
So the only solution that I came up with was to use our own custom code to calculate these values, the problem is, that (surprisingly) it is very hard to find any easy to use source code for all the set of the trigonometric functions.
This is my modification of the code I got ( for the sin function. It is deterministic on all platforms and the value is almost the same as the value of standard sin (both tested).
#define M_1_2_PI 0.159154943091895335769 // 1 / (2 * pi)
double Math::sin(double x)
// Normalize the x to be in [-pi, pi]
x += M_PI;
x *= M_1_2_PI;
double notUsed;
x = modf(modf(x, ¬Used) + 1, ¬Used);
x *= M_PI * 2;
x -= M_PI;
// the algorithm works for [-pi/2, pi/2], so we change the values of x, to fit in the interval,
// while having the same value of sin(x)
if (x < -M_PI_2)
x = -M_PI - x;
else if (x > M_PI_2)
x = M_PI - x;
// useful to pre-calculate
double x2 = x*x;
double x4 = x2*x2;
// Calculate the terms
// As long as abs(x) < sqrt(6), which is 2.45, all terms will be positive.
// Values outside this range should be reduced to [-pi/2, pi/2] anyway for accuracy.
// Some care has to be given to the factorials.
// They can be pre-calculated by the compiler,
// but the value for the higher ones will exceed the storage capacity of int.
// so force the compiler to use unsigned long longs (if available) or doubles.
double t1 = x * (1.0 - x2 / (2*3));
double x5 = x * x4;
double t2 = x5 * (1.0 - x2 / (6*7)) / (1.0* 2*3*4*5);
double x9 = x5 * x4;
double t3 = x9 * (1.0 - x2 / (10*11)) / (1.0* 2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9);
double x13 = x9 * x4;
double t4 = x13 * (1.0 - x2 / (14*15)) / (1.0* 2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*10*11*12*13);
// add some more if your accuracy requires them.
// But remember that x is smaller than 2, and the factorial grows very fast
// so I doubt that 2^17 / 17! will add anything.
// Even t4 might already be too small to matter when compared with t1.
// Sum backwards
double result = t4;
result += t3;
result += t2;
result += t1;
return result;
But I didn't find anything suitable for other functions, like asin, atan, tan (other than the sin/cos) etc.
These functions doesn't have be as precise as the standard ones, but at least 8 figures would be nice.
I guess the easiest would be to pick a liberal runtime library which implements the required math functions:
And just use their implementations. Note the ones listed above are either public domain or BSD licensed or some other liberal license. Make sure to abide by the licenses if you use the code.