I can't figure out how to display the sidebar for google map on my rails app.
It's been a while and i can't find any sources on that subject. The v2 of the gem changed a lot and i'm not skilled enaught.
This is my code:
<div style='width: 800px;'>
<div id="map" style='width: 800px; height: 400px;'></div>
<div id='markers_list'></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var raw_markers = <%=raw @hash.to_json %>;
var gmaps_markers;
function createSidebarLi(property_json) {
return ("<li><a>" + property.titre + " - " + property.address + "<\/a></li>");
function bindLiToMarker($li, marker){
marker.panTo(); //to pan to the marker
google.maps.event.trigger(marker.getServiceObject(), "click"); // to open infowindow
function createSidebar(){
for (var i=0;i<raw_markers.length;i++){
var $li = $( createSidebarLi(raw_markers[i]) );
bindLiToMarker($li, gmaps_markers[i]);
handler = Gmaps.build('Google', {markers: { maxRandomDistance: 1} });
handler.buildMap({ provider: {}, internal: {id: 'map'}}, function(){
markers = handler.addMarkers(raw_markers);
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'mouseout', function(){
infowindow.open(marker.get('map'), marker);
def index
@properties = Property.all
@hash = Gmaps4rails.build_markers(@properties) do |property, marker|
marker.lat property.latitude
marker.lng property.longitude
marker.infowindow property.titre
Can somebody help me ?
You made several mistakes, variable names etc...
I made you a working plunkr here.
If you need documentation, check here.
To pass additional info in the json:
@hash = Gmaps4rails.build_markers(@properties) do |property, marker|
marker.lat property.latitude
marker.lng property.longitude
marker.infowindow property.titre
marker.json({ titre: property.marker, address: property. address})