I am having FarPoint Web Spread and a Panel with a text box [T1] in my webpage. I am using SaveExcel method of FpSpread to write the contents into Excel.
Is there any way by which i can write the contents of text box [T1] into the excel.
Below is the code I am using for export to excel -
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel";
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "Attachment; filename=Export.xls;");
Response.Charset = "";
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
FpSpread1.ActiveSheetView.Protect = false;
FpSpread1.SaveExcel(ms, FarPoint.Excel.ExcelSaveFlags.SaveCustomColumnHeaders);
create new column in Proxy FPSpread and then let the Farpoint.SaveExcel() take care of export.
FpSpread fpproxy = new FpSpread();
fpproxy = OriginalFPspread;
fpproxy .ActiveSheetView.AddColumns(0, 2);// add new column
fpproxy .Cells[0, 1].Column.Label = "your data";
fpproxy .Cells[0, 1].Value = "your value";
After adding this data, call your SaveExcel() on fpproxy