Hi i have tried for two days to run this code example from Quartz Scheduler simple trigger. This example show a code to run a schedule job for every two days but my compiler return error
Tutorial site http://quartz-scheduler.org/documentation/quartz-2.2.x/cookbook/BiDailyTrigger
Trigger trigger = TriggerBuilder //error: non-static method withIdentity(String,String) cannot be referenced from a static
.withIdentity("trigger3", "group1")
.startAt(tomorrowAt(15, 0, 0)
.withSchedule(simpleSchedule() //error:cannot find symbol: method withSchedule(SimpleScheduleBuilder)
.withIntervalInHours(2 * 24) // interval is actually set at 48 hours' worth of milliseconds
is there any of good folk here can help me point out what is my mistake. Really appreciate your help.
The sample you linked to uses newTrigger()
but you are using TriggerBuilder
. newTrigger()
is a static method on TriggerBuilder
- use it.