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VHDL directly comparing vectors

I was wondering if its possible to directly compare 2 vectors with eachother instead of just looking at them bit by bit.

For example:

entity Comparator is
port(a,b in: std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
     out1, out2 out: std_logic);
end Comparator;

architecture behavioural of Comparator1 is
    if a = b then
        out1 <= '1'
    else if /= then
        out2 <= '1'
    end if;
end behaviour;

Is this possible?


  • The answer is yes, you can compare two array types of the same type and subtype indication directly.

    However your example code isn't valid.

    The result of the expression a=b is boolean. You convert that to std_logic by assigning out1 and out2. An if statement in this context has to be in a process statement. Also you don't need two outputs:

    architecture foo of Comparator1 is
        process (a,b)
            if a = b then
                out1 <= '1';
                out1 <= '0';
            end if;
        end process;
    end architecture;

    Alternative a concurrent signal assignment statement, a conditional signal assignment that has an equivalent process to that above:

    architecture fum of Comparator1 is
        out1 <= '1' when a = b else '0';
    end architecture;