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How to read from stdin in Matlab

I have a long-running Matlab script for data processing. I want to send it a flag over stdin to tell it I have new data to process. I also want to read a flag from stdout when it is done processing.

In other words, I have a Process A that sends a flag about once a minute to Matlab. I want Matlab to wait until it receives this flag.

Writing to stdout in a matlab process is as easy as calling fprintf. But how can I read from stdin? Documentation on fopen doesn't mention an input pipe, and neither does fread. How can get a Matlab script to read from stdin?


  • It actually turns out that the solution is as simple as input. Write the following into myscript.m:

    str = input('', 's'); 

    Then, run the following in a shell:

    echo Hello world | matlab -nosplash -nodisplay -nodesktop -r "myscript"

    Indeed, we see that "Hello world" is printed to the console, along with Matlab's startup text.

    So, in summary, input reads from stdin, and fprintf writes to stdout.