I'm trying to scroll a movieclip within flash. The problem is I have buttons within the movieClip so everytime I try to scroll its difficult not to open the button. My code is below for the scroll im using which is fairly simple.
ChestBiceps.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, ClipDraggedOn);
var boundsRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(ChestBiceps.x, -200, 0, 310);
function ClipDraggedOn(event:MouseEvent):void {
ChestBiceps.startDrag(false, boundsRect);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, ClipDraggedOff);
function ClipDraggedOff(event:MouseEvent):void {
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, ClipDraggedOff); }
Could someone try and figure how I disable the buttons almost whilst scrolling? I still want to be able to use the buttons, just not when scrolling...Thanks in advance
To disable the buttons add the following:
function ClipDraggedOn(event:MouseEvent):void {
ChestBiceps.mouseEnabled = false;
ChestBiceps.mouseChildren = false;
To re-enable the buttons add the following:
function ClipDraggedOff(event:MouseEvent):void {
ChestBiceps.mouseEnabled = true;
ChestBiceps.mouseChildren = true;