I have a batch script which takes a directory path as parameter. Inside the script, I'd like to copy this directory somewhere else.
For example, let the script parameter be "C:\Users\Raffaele\Foo" and the copy destination be "C:\Foe". At the end, I'd like to have "C:\Foe\Foo". Instead, the best I can get (both using xcopy and robocopy) is all files and subdirectories inside "Foo" copied into "Foe".
is good enough for your requirements, read HELP XCOPY
and try
call :docopy c:\users\rafaele\foo c:\foe
goto :eof
xcopy /S /E /I %1 %2\%~n1
goto :eof
the trick is to extract the directory name and use it to specify both source and destination directories
the /S
flag copies the directories inside source
the /E
flag creates directories in destination if they exist but are empty in source
the /I
flag assumes the destination is a directory and creates it