Im starting to explore jdk 8 new javascript engine nashorn and wanted to build some automating task scripts. I ve an issue, ive no idea how to evaluate a js file in scripting mode from javascript, using engine.eval() eg .
p.s: im not talking about jjs -scripting which is good but only works one way. I want the other way; make the engine evaluate in scripting mode from java
After a lot of head scratching, i came up with a trick where i can actually launch my script's execution through a command line from a hand crafted System Process :
//tricking the nashorn engine with jjs command
public void evalScriptInScriptingMode(String fileName)
String[] args = new String[]{"jjs", "-scripting", fileName};
//This class is used to create operating system processes
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(args);;
File log = new File("jjs_log.txt");
int i = 0;
log = new File("jjs" + i + "_log.txt");
Process p = null;
p = pb.start(); //start the process which remains open
catch(IOException e)