I'm trying to achieve so that the language will be set dynamically before geocoding and/or reverse geocoding occurs, right now, I set the language in an initializer of the app.
:units => :km,
:language => :en
I would like it so that the language would be set dynamically, for example:
:units => :km,
:language => lambda {|something| I18n.locale}
does anyone knows how this can be achieved?
looking at the code it seems like this is not possible.
what you can do though, is re-configure on every call to google
Geocoder.configure(language: :en)
Geocoder.search("Nantes, France")
this kind of sucks. i think the api should allow you to pass that in as a parameter like :unit
i created a pull-request for this feature https://github.com/alexreisner/geocoder/pull/654
so it actually is possible:
Geocoder.search("Nantes, France", params: {language: :fr})
plus there is another change incoming that supporting this https://github.com/alexreisner/geocoder/pull/655