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How to transfer String from Fragment to Activity in Android

I'm trying to accomplish the transfer of a string value from a Fragment to an Activity below. The result of the transfer says that the value is empty when transferred to the activity. Please let me know if you need more information.


//put selected chapter title in memory

String selectedChapter = chapters[position];

SharedPreferences pref = getActivity().getPreferences(0);
SharedPreferences.Editor edt = pref.edit();
edt.putString("selectedChapter", selectedChapter);

//launch activity
Intent intent = new Intent(getActivity(), ChapterDetailActivity.class);


   //retrieve selected chapter filename from previous view

    SharedPreferences pref = ChapterDetailActivity.this.getPreferences(0);
    String filename = pref.getString("selectedChapter", "empty");

    Log.e("File: ", filename);


  • I like to create a helper class for saving preferences. This will access them using a file name, instead of using the context. This means all your prefs are stored in one place, and you can create constants to hold the keys.

    When passing a string literal like "selectedChapter", the compiler has no way of checking if we mis-spelled the value. By creating a constant, the compiler will be able to check that the key exists.

    public class PreferencesHelper {
        private SharedPreferences prefs;
        private static final String FILE_NAME = "com.yourpackage.yourapp.prefs";
        public static final String KEY_CHAPTER = "chapter";
        public PreferencesHelper(Context context) {
            prefs = context.getSharedPreferences(FILE_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
         * Save the specified value to the shared preferences
         * @param key
         *            The key of the value you wish to load
         * @param value
         *            The value to store
        public void save(String key, String value) {
            prefs.edit().putString(key, value).commit();
         * Load the specified value from the shared preferences
         * @param key
         *            The key of the value you wish to load
         * @param defValue
         *            The default value to be returned if no value is found
        public int loadString(String key, String defValue) {
            return prefs.getString(key);

    Then, you activity can access it like so:

    PreferencesHelper prefs= new PreferencesHelper(this);

    And your fragments like so:

    PreferencesHelper prefs = new PreferencesHelper(getActivity());

    And to access the data:

    // Save, chapter);
    // Load
    prefs.load(PreferencesHelper.KEY_CHAPTER, null)