I've been trying to make an app with a floating window (multitasking capabilities). recently I ran into an SDK that allows me to create floating apps called Tooleap.
I've gone over their documentation. My problem is that i'm developing my app using Basic4Android. The Tooleap SDK documentation states that I need to extend my Activity class in order to create floating apps:
In other words, I want to achieve the following thing:
public class MyActivity extends TooleapActivities.Activity {
// Activity Code...
Is that possible in Basic4Android?
It is indeed possible! (Why did you not post this on the B4A forums :) )
I wrote a wrapper and also a sample on how to use Tooleap with B4A. There are also links to tutorials on that post. Have a look here: http://www.basic4ppc.com/android/forum/threads/tooleap-library-floating-notifications-and-miniapps.41136/