How can I find the median of the 1st, last and middle element and than swap the median with the 1st element?
If I'm reading your question correctly, you can do it like this:
from numpy import median
values = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
med = median([values[0], values[len(values)/2], values[-1]]) # calculate median of first, middle and last element in the list
values[0] = med # replace first element with median
Which results in:
>>> med
>>> values
This answers your question as written, but I'm not sure it's exactly what you want. You might try re-wording your question to make it a bit more clear exactly what you want the final output list to look like.
As described in the comments, it appears swapping the value in the list equal to the median with the first element is the desired output. In that case, try the following:
halfway_idx = len(values)/2
med = median([values[0], values[halfway_idx], values[-1]])
if med == values[0]:
pass # median already is in the first position
elif med == values[halfway_idx]:
values[0], values[halfway_idx] = values[halfway_idx], values[0] #swap middle and first
values[0], values[-1] = values[-1], values[0] # swap first and last