In VS2010, I wrote the following variadic macros to dump out information to files.
#define INDENT(fp, indent) for(size_t __i = 0; __i < (indent); ++__i) fprintf((fp), " ")
// IND_FP = indented fprintf.
// This macro uses two IMPLICIT parameters.
// 1. (FILE *)fp is a pointer to the output file.
// 2. (size_t)indent specifies the indentation level.
#define IND_FP(format, ...) do{ INDENT(fp, indent); fprintf(fp, format, __VA_ARGS__); }while(0)
These macros frequently occur in my program.
void CMAP::dump_info(FILE *fp, size_t indent){
IND_FP("<cmap tableVersion=\"0x%08x\" numberOfEncodingTables=\"%d\">\n",
table_version_number, num_encoding_tables);
Sadly, now I have to migrate my code to the antediluvian IDE, VC++6.0, which does NOT support variadic macro. I wrote a variadic function instead.
void IND_FP(FILE *fp, size_t indent, char *format, ...){
INDENT(fp, indent);
va_list arg_ptr;
va_start(arg_ptr, format);
vfprintf(fp, format, arg_ptr);
But I have to change the tens if not hundreds lines of code from IND_FP(format, ...)
to IND_FP(fp, indent, format, ...)
Is there any trick of macro that can help me out? Or I'd better use explicit arguments and get used to redundancy?
You could get round variadics by not using them. Use ofstream instead of FILE*. Something like this
#define LOGGER(logfile,loginfo) logfile << loginfo << std::endl
Say you've declared an ofstream called logfile. For simple things, you can use
LOGGER(logfile, x);
If you wish to get more complex, you could use
LOGGER(logfile, "x = " << x << " b=" << b);
For the indent, you could use a global
// declaration
char spaces[128];
// Initialization
memset(spaces, ' ', sizeof(spaces));
#define LOGGER(logfile,indent,loginfo) \
spaces[indent] = '\0'; \
logfile << spaces << loginfo << std::endl; \
spaces[indent] = ' '
So in the same way, if you wish to indent by 3
LOGGER(logfile, 3, "x=" << x << " y=" << y << " z=" << z);
C++ << is not as elegant as printf for formatting but it will get you round the problem of using variadics.