I have a Group
model that belongsToMany Contacts
, and Contact
belongsToMany Groups
, usually a group could contain about 300,000 contact, and a contact could belong to 2 or 3 groups, and I want a function that retrieves all "unique" contacts in a number of given groups, so I tried
$contacts = Contact::With(array('groups'=>function($query) use ($groups)
$query->whereIn('groups.id' , $groups);
It worked but the problem is that I discovered the sql generated uses where contact_id IN ( ALL CONTACTS' IDs)
. So, if I'm retrieving 100,000 contacts it will have 100,000 of contact ids in the where in clause.
Then I ended up using this
foreach($groups as $group)
$contacts = array_unique(array_merge($contacts , $group->contacts()->lists('email'))) ;
But I'm still concerned about performance. I don't know how lists works and if it is a good idea to array_unique
and array_merge
on arrays containing hundreds of thousands of email strings?
You said:
usually a group could contain about 300,000 contact, and a contact could belong to 2 or 3 groups
According to this your relationship should be many-to-many and both Group
and Contact
should use belongsToMany
to make relationship between them using a pivot table contact_group
// Group model
public function contacts()
return $this->belongsToMany('Contact');
// Contact model
public function groups()
return $this->belongsToMany('Group');
The contact_group
pivot table could be like this:
id | group_id | contact_id
If you have a setup like this then you'll be able to do this:
$groups = Group::has('contacts')
->whereIn('id', [1,2,3]) // group ids, could be any field
$uniqueContacts = $groups->map(function($group) {
return $group->contacts->lists('email');
// You got all unique contacts in $uniqueContacts
dd($uniqueContacts); // all unique contacts
Don't know how fast it'll work on 100,000
contacts but should work better.
Update: Could be other (maybe better) ways by joining DB
tables and querying from DB