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Git Version Control - Views on Repositories?

I have a repositories, i want to have two "views": Developers can see the whole thing and customers should only see certain (tagged, or marked in another way) branches.

I thought about making two repsoitories A and B and than list all not needed files as "ignored files" in B but I am not sure whether this will work. (I don't know whether A syncs B's ignored files or not, may be some one who knows that can answer?)

Thus I thought it would be cool if i I could make "views" (show only tags X..) on the repository, or something similar which solves my problem, but afaik this is not possbile in git.

kind regards


  • Nevertheless my major problem remains:
    if I clone repository A to B and I work on repository B than I see all branches of repository A (they are marked as remots/origin/[branchName]) - so if a customer starts GitWeb on Repository B he will see all Branches. And that's what I don't want.

    You can manage access per repository with gitosis, and even access per tag or branch with gitolite.