I have a repositories, i want to have two "views": Developers can see the whole thing and customers should only see certain (tagged, or marked in another way) branches.
I thought about making two repsoitories A and B and than list all not needed files as "ignored files" in B but I am not sure whether this will work. (I don't know whether A syncs B's ignored files or not, may be some one who knows that can answer?)
Thus I thought it would be cool if i I could make "views" (show only tags X..) on the repository, or something similar which solves my problem, but afaik this is not possbile in git.
kind regards
Nevertheless my major problem remains:
if I clone repository A to B and I work on repository B than I see all branches of repository A (they are marked asremots/origin/[branchName]
) - so if a customer starts GitWeb on Repository B he will see all Branches. And that's what I don't want.
You can manage access per repository with gitosis, and even access per tag or branch with gitolite.