I just installed django-userena for my accounts management.
Because I'm still at the stage of basic development and I don't have a public domain name. I'm using gmail for my EMAIL_HOST
for testing. The default setting from django-userena is using example.com for demo. How can I switch it to my local domain, i.e.
, so I can make some dummy "users" activated and test it for my other apps?
Thank you!!!
Because I don't have a domain name, when the user click the activation email in his email(e.g. Gmail), it's directed to http://example.com/accounts/activate/hash_as_placeholder/
, so the result is that the user can't activate his account. How can I let them activate their accounts on a local domain?
Try this. Add this lines to settings.py
LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/accounts/%(username)s/'
LOGIN_URL = '/accounts/signin/'
LOGOUT_URL = '/accounts/signout/'
and about email configuration, i have issues with gmail if i send a lot of mails. So for testing purposes i have this in my settings:
EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend' #printed in console
All emails will be printed in console.
Create new file initial_data.json
in your project root with
"pk": 1,
"model": "sites.site",
"fields": {
"name": "",
and run syncdb of course. This will change your example.com to