when i say lock ,i mean it switch to other coroutines and switch back until certain work is done.
the code would be write like these:
def query():
def process():
result = yield do_myProcess(params)
here's my waitUntil based on the answer toro.Lock. don't guarantee it is right,need test.
import toro
_locks = {}
def getLock(key):
if key not in _locks:
_locks[key] = toro.Lock()
return _locks[key]
def waitUntil(key):
def wrapped(func):
def wrapped2(*args,**kwargs):
with (yield getLock(key).acquire()):
result = yield func(*args,**kwargs)
return result
return wrapped2
return wrapped
Try toro.Lock, which I wrote for this purpose
lock = toro.Lock()
def f():
with (yield lock.acquire()):
assert lock.locked()
assert not lock.locked()