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C# Interlocked functions as a lock mechanism?

While I was reading about ReaderWriterLockSlim lock mechanism , There was this guy who suggested that Interlock Functions can be used for a finer locking

Also, I found here another answer from Marc :

...Writes make their change to a cloned copy, then use Interlocked.CompareExchange to swap the reference (re-applying their change if another thread mutated the reference in the interim).

Well , Currently all I know about Interlocked object , is that it is used (in a multithreaded environment) to do atomic additions, compare , compareExchange operations. (and I know how to use it)

But (and here is my question) —


How can I use it as a lock ? ( sample code will be much appreciated)


For simplicity , I'm pasting this code ( which is not thread safe - if Go was called by two threads simultaneously, it would be possible to get a division-by-zero error) :

class ThreadUnsafe
   static int _val1 = 1, _val2 = 1;

   static void Go()
        if (_val2 != 0) Console.WriteLine (_val1 / _val2);
        _val2 = 0;

How can I use Interlock to replace the lock (which would have solved the problem) ?


  • Interlocked is used to implement lockless algorithms and data structures. It's therefore not "finer locking", or even locking at all. It lets you do small and well-defined operations safely in a multi-threaded environment: for instance, if you want two threads to increment the same variable, you can use Interlocked to do it instead of acquiring a heavyweight lock and using the "regular increment".

    However, there are many, many things that you can't do with Interlocked that you could do under a regular lock. For instance, anything that involves modifying more than one variable atomically generally can't be done with Interlocked, so you wouldn't be able to use it for your example.

    Interlocked can, however, help developers implement locking mechanism, though you might as well use the built-in ones. Most locks require kernel support to interrupt the blocked thread until the lock becomes available. Therefore, the only kind of lock that you can implement with Interlocked alone is a spin lock: a lock that threads continually try to acquire until it works.

    class InterlockedLock
        private int locked;
        public void Lock()
            while (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref locked, 1, 0) != 0)
                continue; // spin
        public void Unlock()
            locked = 0;

    In this example, locked is initially zero. When a thread tries to acquire it for the first time, locked becomes 1, and subsequent threads trying to Lock it will spin until someone calls Unlock to make locked 0 again.