Beginner to objective-c, so please excuse basic mistakes.
Goal is to set predictionLabel.textColor
to a random color from an array.
// fill array colors
self.colors = @[@"redColor", @"greenColor", @"blueColor", @"greyColor", @"orangeColor", @"purpleColor"];
// get random number based on array count
int randomColor = arc4random_uniform(self.colors.count);
// set predictionLabel.textColor to random color
self.predictionLabel.textColor = [UIColor [self.colors objectAtIndex:randomColor]];
I keep getting the error message "Expected identifier" at [UIColor [self.colors
Being new, I'm having a hard time troubleshooting this one. Any advice?
You're not using Key Value Coding, though you want to. You're really just guessing about the method names that might be on UIColor
. Why not use an array of UIColor
objects instead of the names of the class methods. Like this:
self.colors = @[[UIColor redColor], [UIColor greenColor], [UIColor blueColor], [UIColor grayColor], UIColor orangeColor], [UIColor purpleColor]];
// get random number based on array count
int randomColor = arc4random_uniform(self.colors.count);
// set predictionLabel.textColor to random color
self.predictionLabel.textColor = [self.colors objectAtIndex:randomColor];
Also, watch the spelling of "grey" vs "gray". [UIColor greyColor]
doesn't exist.