I have just been wondering if this (default) implementation for IDataErrorInfo.Error is good or evil in some ways:
public string Error
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach( PropertyInfo propertyInfo in GetType().GetProperties( System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public ) )
String propertyError = this[ propertyInfo.Name ];
if ( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( propertyError) == false )
if( sb.Length > 0 )
sb.Append( Environment.NewLine );
sb.Append( String.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[{0}] - {1} ({2}"
, propertyInfo.Name
, propertyError
, propertyInfo.GetValue( this ) ) );
return sb.ToString();
Besides of course the potential problem with GetValue, the missing check for NotMapped and the potential performance issue that can be mitigated by caching the properties in a static list.
You pointed out the main drawbacks that makes the design fairly evil...
Properties should not have much processing code, as the msdn guidelines suggests : Property Usage Guidelines.
In this case, I suggests you to :
)This way, the Error
property will just have to concat the errors.