I want to run a system command in Qt such as:
system("echo 50 > //sys//class//pwm-sunxi//pwm0//duty_percent")
Now the problem is, I want to use a variable for the 50 from the code above so that I can use a slider to change the values
if it any helps, I am running Linux Debian distro on a Cubieboard A20
I've tried using
system("echo "INTtoString(variable)" > //sys//class//pwm-sunxi//pwm0//duty_percent")
but it shows the error
expected )
before INTtoString
Any ideas?
First and foremost, I would use QFile for this writing operation.
If you really wish to stick with the current concept, I would personally use two things:
QString's arg() method to create the string.
qPrintable(myQString) to get the const char* back for the execution.
So, I would be writing something like this:
QString myString = QString("echo %1 > /sys/class/pwm-sunxi/pwm0/duty_percent").arg(INTtoString(variable));
But really, here is a much better approach:
QFile file("/sys/class/pwm-sunxi/pwm0/duty_percent");
if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text
| QIODevice::Truncate | QIODevice::Unbuffered))
if (file.write(INTtoString(variable)) != 2)
qDebug() << "Failed to write all:" << file.errorString();
qDebug() << "Failed to open:" << file.errorString();
// No need to close as it will be done automatically by the RAII feature
Please also note that the double forward slashes are superfluous, then.