I've read a lot about uniqueness and constraints in Grails (but maybe not enough)
I can't make the unique constraint to work on multiple fields as explained here:
(I'm using grails 1.3.9)
I have 2 domain classes:
class Dog {
static constraints = {
humanSsn(unique: ['name', 'breed'])
//I also tried with just 2 fields, didn't work either.
Integer humanSsn
String name
String breed
class Human {
static constraints = {
ssn(unique: true)
Integer ssn
String name
It is a legacy DB, so I cant modify the tables.
When I save a Human, I (just to test) save two dogs with the same name, breed and humanSsn
def humanoInstance = new Humano(params)
if (humanoInstance.save(flush: true)) {
def newDog = new Dog()
def newDogTwo = new Dog()
newDog.name = "n1"
newDog.breed = "b1"
newDog.humanSsn = humanInstance.ssn
println newDog.validate()
println newDog.getErrors()
newDogTwo.name = "n1"
newDogTwo.breed = "b1"
newDogTwo.humanSsn = humanInstance.ssn
println newDogTwo.validate()
println newDogTwo.getErrors()
But it saves anyway the 2 dogs without complaining nor throwing any errors.
org.springframework.validation.BeanPropertyBindingResult: 0 error
org.springframework.validation.BeanPropertyBindingResult: 0 error
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
it may be due to validation works on database level and newDog.save(failOnError:true) doesnot save dog object immediately
have you try
for first dog and then
it should work