Alright so I call read file to fill up the slop trough but it only works with .txt or .bin files and crashes when I open anything else, such as .doc files with error code 0xC0000005: Access violation executing location 0xFFFFFFFF.
Also is this even the correct way to go about displaying to screen the hex and ascii dumps of a file?
//The slop_trough I dump all the hex and ascii slop into
unsigned char slop_trough [MAX] = {0} ;
void ReadFile (string filename, unsigned char slop_trough [])
ifstream open_bin; filename, ios::in | ios::binary ) ;
if ( open_bin.is_open() )
{ ( reinterpret_cast <char *> (slop_trough),
sizeof(slop_trough) * MAX ) ;
cout << "File not opened!" << endl;
void HexDump (unsigned char slop_trough [])
for ( int j = 0; j < MAX - 1; ++j)
cout << hex << slop_trough[j] ;
void AsciiDump(unsigned char slop_trough [])
for ( int p = 0; p < MAX - 1; ++p)
cout << slop_trough[p];
Try something like this:
streamsize ReadFile (const string &filename, unsigned char *slop, int max_slop)
ifstream open_bin; filename, ios::in | ios::binary ) ;
if ( !open_bin.is_open() )
cout << "File not opened! " << filename << endl;
return 0;
if( ! ( reinterpret_cast<char*>(slop), max_slop ) )
cout << "File not read! " << filename << endl;
return 0;
return open_bin.gcount();
void HexDump (unsigned char *slop, streamsize slop_len)
for ( int j = 0; j < slop_len; ++j)
cout << noshowbase << hex << setw(2) << setfill('0') << slop[j] << ansi::reset();
cout.put(' ');
cout << dec << setw(0) << setfill(' ');
void AsciiDump(unsigned char *slop, streamsize slop_len)
for ( int p = 0; p < slop_len; ++p)
if ( (slop[p] > 0x20) && (slop[p] < 0x7F) && (slop[p] != 0x0A) && (slop[p] != 0x0D) )
cout << slop[p];
cout << '.';
cout << ansi::reset();
//The slop_trough I read the file data into
unsigned char slop_trough [MAX] = {0} ;
streamsize slop_len = ReadFile ( "filename", slop_trough, MAX );
unsigned char *slop = slop_trough;
while ( slop_len >= 16 )
HexDump ( slop, 16 );
cout << "| ";
AsciiDump( slop, 16 );
cout << endl;
slop += 16;
slop_len -= 16;
if ( slop_len > 0 )
HexDump ( slop, slop_len );
cout << left << setw(48 - (slop_len * 3)) << setfill(' ') << "| ";
AsciiDump( slop, slop_len );
Have a look at this example for a more robust hex viewer implementation: